Friday 14 March 2014

Bring Up The Bodies at RSC Stratford

I was lucky to get a ticket. The Swan Theatre only holds an audience of 450, and sold out quickly. Not surprising as it was all what the rave reviews promised. Mike Poulton's adaptation of Hilary Mantel's book was solid, witty and dramatic. It seemed very much like something Shakespeare could have written if he lived today. It had an epic quality with a large cast and an even larger number of characters.

Ben Miles was superb as Thomas Cromwell. He is hardly ever off the stage and he gives the whole play a quiet dignified stab in the back. Nathaniel Parker (he will always be Inspector Lynley to us) manages to ditch his posh boy image to give us a striking portrait of Henry V111, full of vigour, humour and occasional temper. Anne Boleyn is played by Lydia Leonard with great subtlety and power. The rest of the cast are fine, especially Paul Jesson as a wonderfully funny (and dead)  Cardinal Wolsey.

I was surprised how there were so many laughs, but they brought some light relief to a story that is about political intrigue. The director Jeremy Herrin is to be congratulated for showing the light and dark side of life at court in 1535. And for brilliant staging that typifies the RSC these days.

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