Monday 31 March 2014

A Career in Construction - Part 11

Can I draw a veil over my next move. Everyone is allowed one big mistake in their career and this was mine. I guess that after 13 years with major contractors, I wanted to try something different. Well that is my excuse. So when John Davy persuaded me (he was a better salesman than he was businessman) to join his fledgling Davy Homes, I thought why not. And anything was better than Tamworth.

But there I was, based on another major housing contract in Dunstable, and another that had all the hallmarks of disaster. I lasted five months. It took me a month to decide I needed to find another job, three months to find it and a month to serve out my notice. If there is one huge upside to this mistake, it did enable me to find out that Henry Boot were starting to look for work in the South. I had my interview on 17th March 1977 at The Royal Chase Hotel in Barnet, and was offered a job. I gave in my notice on the 28th March and finished at Davy Homes on 29th April.

So I started back at Henry Boot on 2nd May 1977. And that is where my career really took off. Do you think I ever put Davy Homes on my CV?

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