Tuesday 3 June 2008

Single Spies

I had never seen an Alan Bennett play on stage despite him being one of my favourite writers. So when the Wycombe Swan advertised his "Single Spies", I invited Zoe along for the evening. I have to say that I was a little disappointed by the production, possibly because I was expecting too much.

It was probably that the first of the two pieces seemed a bit flat. Set in Guy Burgess's dowdy apartment in Moscow, the tone was pretty dour. The visit of old friend and famous actress Coral Browne does not really lift his spirits. Nigel Havers and Diana Quick seemed unable to make anything of some mundane gossip.

However, they are much more at home in the second half playing Sir Anthony Blunt and the Queen. Their conversation sparkles with humour and this is where Bennett is in his element. This was worth seeing on its own.

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