Monday 30 June 2008

The Garden in June

The major task of the spring turned out to be the border under the trees. Previously, the grass had been left to finish where it wanted, but I decided that after all these years, it would look better with an edge. Once this had been cut, I realised that the soil I had exposed might be just good enough to grow some shade loving plants. I started with some small evergreen shrubs and then in May some Hostas. The white flowering one in the foreground was a present from Alison's sister Anne and, like the others round the corner, is surviving.

The roses have flowered well this year, although the stems are weak and are easily bent in the breeze. Must be something wrong with my pruning.

I always plant Antirrhinum's in the border next to the wall. I think it was four dozen this year, (plus some blue Salvia) so perhaps it is time for some perennials, like the geraniums now having replaced the usual annuals in the front garden.

I am particularly pleased with the Penstemon that I bought from Waterperry last year. It kept its foliage through the winter and has now flowered well. A smaller one behind in purple is also in flower and the Dianthus are as good as last year.

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