Saturday 29 June 2024

Garden in Late June

 The main border is now at it's best. Here is a closer look.

Amazing how the border changed while we were on holiday.

The two Philadelphus have flowered well this year. This one next to the side patio.

And this one at the near end of the main border.

Both have a lovely aroma.

The roses are at their best. 

The rose "Blue for You" has so many flowers. (Back from holiday on 28th June and every flower had faded. So all pruned and a wait to see if it will bloom again).

A few more roses.

I had to cut back the campanula where it had covered the path, but is now just right.

The lobelia that follow on around the conservatory are just coming into flower.

And on the 28th in full flower.

A nice view down the side patio. No sign of any flowers on the Hostas in pots at the far end.

The Acanthus has never had so many flower spikes. They are now up to twenty.

The Dianthus along the back wall have flowered at last.

The old Delphinium Pacific Giant disappeared this winter. Here is it's replacement.

Last of all is the far hot bed. It needs some attention after the holiday. Unfortunately there are few red poppies left to compliment all the yellow.

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