Saturday 18 May 2024

The Garden in May

 I have already posted most of the interesting things in the garden in May. But above is the Lilac at the very far end that is never easy to photograph. But here it is in close up.

Alison was given this plant for helping at one of her events. It might be a Hydrangea so maybe not the best for our soil. But it's doing OK at the moment.

The Clematis Montana flowered at the beginning of the month.

The tall tree just outside the back of our garden, the Robinia Pseudoacacia, has flowered again. So it still looks quite healthy. Maybe not quite as good as the photos on my post of 7th August 2009, but doing OK. Next to it and just behind the laurels is the last elder, also in flower and hanging on.  At the bottom of the photo is the lilac.

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