Tuesday 7 May 2024

The far end cleared


Now cleared, the very far end of the garden was where I used to have three compost heaps, see below,  one for each year before the oldest was spread on the borders in spring and a new one started. 

That was why I planted the laurels to block the view from down the garden.

Now that moving the compost has become too hard, it was time to clear all the forget-me-nots and to level the last of the remaining compost over the whole area. This was how it looked in March before the forget-me-nots came into flower. 

Last week the forget-me-nots have been cleared and in piles ready for taking to the tip. Alison helped with that last week.

Then on Monday, in a gap when it was not raining, I spread all the remaining compost to level the whole area. There is just the one heap left from last year that I will decide what to do with sometime.  I just need to keep the weeds down this summer. There are also the remains of three tree stumps from the Aylesbury Prune that died a few years ago. They are gradually disintegrating.

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