Thursday 2 May 2024

Backstage with the London Philharmonic Orchestra on Sky Arts


We are invited to the London Philharmonic Orchestra's rehearsals for Mahler's Second Symphony "The Resurrection". Over four parts, conductor Edward Gardner talks us through the whole process with interviews with some of the musicians.

Part One: The Strings

He tells us what it will be like for the rehearsals with such a large orchestra that will be supplemented by other musicians. He talks about Mahler and particularly his second symphony. All very technical but amazing.

Alice Ivy-Pemberton is co-leader of the London Philharmonic. She talks about her background, how she practices and her role in the orchestra. As does bass player Hugh Kluger. Then a married couple, Martin Wray (viola, apparently he got too tall for violin)) and Minn Majoe (first violin). Ronald Long is from South Carolina and is a freelance musician supplementing the violins. Facebook has them all talking on "Meet the Strings Backstage with the London Philharmonic.

Part Two; Woodwind and Percussion

Rehearsals have now moved to The Royal Festival Hall where the concert will take place. It's hard to squeeze in all the instruments with those extra musicians. The rehearsal tries out single instruments, then pairs with the brass then behind the scenes before the full orchestra starts to play.

This time we hear from Juliette Bauser, principal flute, Jonathon Davies, principal bassoon, and Simon Carrington, principal timpani. He shows us the the amazing kettle drums. I liked it when they showed us them practicing at home. It was interesting how the woodwind section worked with percussion. 

Edward Gardner tells us about the start of the 3rd movement when a crash of percussion surprises the audience. Simon tells about his history then shows us him changing the heads of the drums where the previous heads had worn out. We see the mechanics of this amazing instrument. Juliette is from a musical family and that she started flute from the age of four. Then Jonathon tells us about making the reeds for his bassoon that is an "ongoing hellish process". 

Andrew Barclay always wanted to play an unusual instrument and is now principle percussion with the London Philharmonic. We see him with his enormous cymbals and that crucial time in the piece when they crash. He and Simon (principal percussion) have known each other since they were seventeen and they went to the Royal College of Music together. Andrew seems to be the joker. "Meet the percussion section" is on YouTube. 

Edward Gardner talks about Mahler, how he was a musician, conductor and composer. His music sheets are full of instructions such as horns playing offstage. This I found absolutely enthralling. At the end we are told the choir is still to be introduced.

Part 3 Brass

The Principal Tuba player is Lee Tsarmaklis. He was very young when his parents moved to England and he learnt how to play the tuba for fun before he even learned to speak English. He worked on building sites until he was persuaded to audition for the Royal Academy of Music. This he said was "life changing". He is big friend with principal  trombone played Mark Templeton and they have worked together for a long time. Then we see Paul Beniston is principal trumpet. Later we see his collection of vintage brass instruments including a cornet four years older than Mahler. 

A young lady is mounting the steps up to the Royal Academy of Music. This is Annemarie Federle, going to practice her French horn. She says there are very few women in the brass section of orchestras. She is very young at 21 as principal French horn. Still studying for her exams at the Royal Academy. She started the French horn at seven as apparently her lungs when young were very loud. She tells us about holding the instrument, the breathing involved etc. In 2022 she stepped in at very short notice as a soloist for the London Philharmonic and this led to an offer to join full time. 

We then see all them all playing with the full orchestra. At the very end, at last, here is the large choir at the back of the Royal Festival Hall joining the orchestra for final rehearsals.

Part 4 The Concert

The whole of Mahler's Second Symphony is here. Great to see all those members of the orchestra who have appeared in the previous episodes. The whole series has been brilliant.

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