Friday 26 January 2024

Garden in January 2024


A few milder days and the garden is just beginning to wake up from it's dormant winter. Starting with a few snowdrops where there are plenty more to come.

The bulbs in the bedding border are on the way.

The iris look pretty healthy after they were split last hear. Note the rhizomes, which are their roots, on the surface of the soil.

Yesterday I pruned all the roses and have added them here to compare with what they will look like in the summer.

The ones above in the old rose border and below at the edge of the wildflower border.

Next are two of the three in the long border that are being swamped by the forget me nots. 

And lastly the rose "Blue for You" in the side patio.

Under the leylandii there are three bushes next to each other and all have berries and flowers. These are a reminder that they need to be pruned after flowering as they encroach upon the lawn.

Similarly, I need to prune the dwarf crab apple where it overhangs the Weigela. 

The hyacinth are about to flower.

Finally, I wanted to include a photo of the large tree behind the fence at the far end of the garden. It is the tall  Robinia pseudoacacia or Black Locust. This is how it looks today before the leaves arrive. There are many photos of this tree on the net, but none look as asymmetrical or as good as this one.  

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