Monday 14 November 2022

Driving through old London in the 1950's New A.I. enhanced version (HD)

At dinner with some friends on Friday night, I happened to mention the shop (John Buckle) my father managed in the 1950's, and how there  is an old  video where in appears. However, this video no longer exists, but there in one on YouTube with the title above. The following is included in my post of 7th February 2012.

It was in 1953 when we left Alton for London. Dad had found a much better job, managing John Buckle on Kensington High Street, and what was one of the largest grocers in London. It occupied a double frontage of a building that is now occupied by Whittard and Ryman. I put an entry on my blog on 24th May 2009 about the visit I made to Kensington, and how I found John Buckle on the Internet as being 1 Newland Terrace, now part of Kensington High Street.

17th March 2015. I changed the photo below as John Buckle is not now Whittard and Ryman. It is actually now Trailfinders, the shop to the left of the white van. How do I know? It was an email from Graham Carruthers (who works at Trailfinders) that drew my attention to a website: At 1minute 45seconds  and 4 minutes you can see quite clearly the John Buckle shop. Thanks Graham.

However, as I said above, that video does not exist. But on the YouTube video, John Buckle is there at 1 minute 43 seconds. And in an HD restored version. At the restaurant, I could not remember how I was in touch with Graham Carruthers. But the above note confirms it was Graham who found the post on my blog and sent me an email.

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