Saturday 14 May 2022

Aston Hill and Pavis Wood Walk


Taking a break from running, Thursday found me on one of my favourite walks. Starting at the car park in Wendover Woods I realised I was going in a completely wrong direction. I had walked this route so many times in the past, but not since the major upgrade of the car park and surrounding areas. It was only after five minutes or so I had to turn back and onto the right path out of the woods. Then into a field where there were views over to Pavis Wood, my eventual destination.

Over the main road at Aston Hill, I found that the Aston Hill Bike Park (where many years ago was public parking and the start of Nick Moon's route - see below) had been closed since lockdown. Apparently many of the trees were suffering from ash dieback and it has taken all this time to clear. It was a complete mess.

So coming down the hill was not the pleasant experience it used to be. Until I was reaching the bottom of the descent for those nice views over the Vale.

Across the lane and a path bordering the fields has better views of Pavis Wood in the distance.

Then a path near Drayton Manor before the long haul up Fox Lane.

Pavis Wood is only a narrow band of woodland along the ridge of the Chiltern Hills, but is very pretty. Especially this time of year with the large areas of bluebells. As usual, there have been narrow paths created through the bluebells so walkers get a great picture.

Out of Pavis Wood, crossing another lane next to the radio mast, in the next field I found a herd of cows settled in the May sunshine.

And then some interested horses.

Back into Wendover Woods after a walk of well over two hours. But there were stops for photos and talks with people on the way. A very pleasant start to revisiting my old walks. This one in number 3 in my copy of  Nick Moon's 1991 book Chiltern Walks - Buckinghamshire, now out of print and not totally accurate after over thirty years. My notes in the book show I started these routes in 1993. Long before I started running.

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