Tuesday 26 April 2022

The last daffodils and the first perenials


The first daffodils were flowering in mid February as the photo at the bottom. Those are long gone, but these above by the dwarf wall are still in flower. They are a lovely lemon yellow with a white centre. No idea what they are called, but they are even out lasting the tulips. 

They have also been overpowered by the Daffodil Cheerfulness White that I planted this year. 

These have been deadheaded but the leaves still block out those still in flower. So when the foliage has died off, the bulbs will be replanted at the back of another border. 

But here below is one of the first perennial in flower, the Heuchera Coral Bells.

 Also the purple Geranium phaeum (always the first of the Geraniums). 

And, of course, the Clematis Montana.

Then there are the wildflowers including the prolific Cornflowers.

Not bad for April.

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