Wednesday 7 July 2021

Dream Horse, Nobody and Supernova

A likeable but fairly predictable movie. It seemed all the best bits were in the trailer. Acted with gusto by a familiar cast led by Toni Collette. Was I right in thinking there was no explanation of the racehorse moving from the flat, to hurdles and finally jumps?

Like Vigo Mortenson in "A History of Violence", the past catches up with our hero. The setting of a normal family replicates that plot. There are quite a few laughs mixed in with the gratuitous violence, this is more like a comedy thriller. There is a very subtle thread towards the end involving a priceless Van Gogh ("Van Gogh's Bedroom in Arles"), the soundtrack is excellent and the post credit scene worth the wait. "Has it got a basement?"

Supernova is a quiet grown up drama with superior acting from Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci, almost a two hander for much of the film. There are even quite a few Pinteresque silences that are quite emotional. The Lake District locations are breathtaking in their autumn setting. Oh, and there is a brilliant contribution from Pippa Heywood, always known in this house as Mrs Brittas.

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