Thursday 13 May 2021

Tring Book Club - The Overstory by Richard Powers


This was the first time I could not finish a book club choice. I gave up just before half way for reasons I shall explain later. Once I got used to the first section, of what were seven short stories about the different characters, I found there were two or three that were quite good. But in Mimi's story, there are a couple of pages where we rush through some of her history. And there are other times this happens and it made my head hurt. It was a shame as I had made so many notes about the seven sets of characters so that I would be able to follow their stories as the book progressed.

So when these stories finish, I hoped the book would settle down into a traditional narrative. But no. There are far too many diversions to the other characters. It made my head spin. I guess that for some people with a great retentive memory, reading this for hours at a time, it would all make sense. But for my aged brain I could not keep up. Again I went back to page 224 where far too much happens to Mimi (again) and then there are eleven changes in the different character's stories in the next forty odd pages. That is where I gave in. Just don't start me on trees!

Listening to two of the members of book club, I realised there was lots to learn behind the different narratives. I seemed to have missed it all.

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