Thursday 14 March 2019

The Aftermath, Cold Pursuit and Border

Despite mainly poor reviews, I found The Aftermath to be a well written drama with fine performances from the three leads. Adapted from the book by Rhidian Brook, it has been confidently directed by James Kent. The film looks great and the costumes and production design are top class. Keira Knightly, Jason Clark and Alexander Skarsgard do well to keep our interest despite the glumness of their characters. A surprisingly good story with a decent finale.

There are so many characters packed into Cold Pursuit, most of whom end up dead. Fortunately this is actually a comedy action thriller so the deaths are incidental. It was very strange that the lead character, a snow plough driver seeking revenge played by Liam Neeson, seems to disappear over half way through. It is left to the two sets of gangsters to sort it out. How come the main villain is more interested in the healthy eating habits of his son? Strange.

Even more strange, but in a highly intelligent way, is the Swedish film Border. A haunting, unsettling and weird fantasy, we have to wait until the unlovely (on the outside) Tina meets someone of a similar look to find out who she really is. Part horror, part police drama, part romance, this brilliantly unusual movie is like nothing I have seen before. It unfolds slowly, the dialogue is limited so the subtitles are never intrusive. The two leads, played by Eva Melander and Eero Milanof, are outstanding. Made up in world class beating prosthetics, they bring sensitive performances that demonstrate the true nature of being outsiders. It was truly amazing to compare their roles with their normal personalities on a YouTube interview. Director Ali Abbasi has performed wonders, so much is unsaid but so clear. Even Ann Petren in a minor role as the police chief is great, her treatment of Tina as an equal contrasts with the bullying and abuse Tina must have suffered in the past.What could have a much too creepy film turned out to be a classic.

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