Wednesday 4 February 2015

The jobs I had whilst at school

The main job I had whilst at school was a paper round. This was in my last two years at school in Braintree, that is from 1961 to 1963 every day from Monday to Saturday,  and collecting the money on a late Friday afternoon (the best bit as I got the occasional tip).  The winter of 1962/3 was the coldest of the twentieth century and I bore everybody to death with my story that I never missed a delivery. How I managed to get around on my bike on the icy roads, I have no idea, but I never came off once (not like four weeks ago). At that age you must never feel the cold .

There was one year (December 1961) when the boys in the first year sixth were invited to help the Post Office with the Christmas post. So we were given release from lessons to do a morning shift. I can remember the bags they gave us were really heavy, the weather was freezing so your hands did become very cold. But we were paid and that was important. There was a coffee bar in town and we all used to meet there after our rounds, have a hot drink and listen to Lonnie on the jukebox. Those were the days.

Apart from helping Dad in his shop at odd times during the holidays, the other job I had was working for a vet. This was only for a short while, one early evening a week mainly doing admin stuff at his office. I suppose it all helped when I came to apply to George Wimpey for my first full time job.

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