Wednesday 27 January 2010

131 Songs - Number 18

Number 18 - I Saw Her Standing There by The Beatles

I have already written about The Beatles in my posting of the 8th September. So why this song? It is the opening track of their first LP and reminds me of the summer of 1963 and the July I left school. We had a leaving party in the grounds and we danced on the grass with this album on repeat. I never owned the LP, I didn't have to with it being played so much on the radio, so after 46 years, it was a treat when Michael gave me the newly remastered CD of Please Please Me for Christmas.

What struck me more than anything on the new edition was the distinctive sound of John's rhythm guitar. It has that sharp twang that is found on so many of the sixties British bands, and not heard on earlier or later American recordings. It certainly drives I Saw Her Standing There, a classic high tempo rock and roll blast.

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