Tuesday 10 September 2024

The Garden in September


I'm so glad I bought these bedding Dahlias to replace those that were eaten by the snails. They are probably at their best in August and September when, for instance, the Verbena bedding plants are on their way out. 

The main border below is just about OK, especially the new dark pink Echinacea. And the geraniums look as if they might flower again.

The Hydrangea below that was given to Alison is strangely in flower again. Apparently it is not in the right place, but it does not seem to care.

The only roses left flowering is this one in the rose border and those two further down the garden.

One of which is now inside as they cannot be seen from the house.

We are bringing in more flowers from the garden to go on the window cill.

The campanula is flowering again after being cut back in July.

The bushes under the trees have been pruned as they were growing over the lawn.

The far round border is in need of a major overhaul next year with some of the plants being removed completely. The remains of the one on the top left looks like an invasive species. But I will keep the yellow Rudbeckia that flowers late in the summer.

Some of the Astrantia are once again in flower. 

At the front, the shrubs in the joint border have all been pruned. The Geraniums in the front bed were pruned a couple of weeks ago and are now really healthy and starting to flower again. The white Impatiens in the pots and hanging baskets have been a reasonable success. Maybe a different colour next year.

And finally a view to the end of the garden. The lawn looks quire reasonable coming into autumn.

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