Sunday 1 September 2024

The Garden in Late August


I already posted pictures of the main border at the end of August, but here are some in the rest of the garden taken last week. First up the lawn. Considering the lack of rain in July and August, it's not looking too bad. The ProKleen granular feed helped in the Spring, but cannot be used when the lawn is so dry. I have used a cheap Tesco liquid feed and that has helped.

The verbena in the bedding border have been a disappointment, but the odd dwarf dahlia that survived the snails, together with six more I bought from the garden centre, are now at their best. See below. Note for next year: if bought online in a tray, pot on in the conservatory and do not plant out until the end of June.

I previously posted pictures of the astrantia and roses that are in flower for the second time. So here are two photos near the conservatory.

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