Wednesday 11 August 2021

The Garden in August

The experiment of trying the Cosmos Apollo Lovestrong in the bedding border (above) has not been a great success. There is more foliage than flower and although called a dwarf variety, were too tall for this bed. But the flowers are pretty.

The best flowers in the main border of the garden are now over. However, there is some colour from what might be a herb, called Marjoram.?

And the Penstemon Firebird is back in flower.

As is one of the Astrantia Roma.

The Hibiscus is a late flowering shrub and has these white flowers.

Monty Don on Gardner's World was giving advice of what to plant for late summer colour and I'm going to move a lovely pink Achillea from the far end.

 I might also take a piece from the Heuchera that is next to it. 

Only one of the roses is in flower again. The "Blue for You" is amazing. It was pruned after the flowering in July (see that post) and is now coming back well. It must like it next to the brick wall.

Two weeks later and in full flower.

The white rose is even better.

Hidden away next to the Hypericum is a Hosta which has unexpectedly come into flower.

Those at the side of the house are also doing well.

As are the new Hostas in the side patio called Fire and Ice.

Having ditched the disappointing Calendula, I replaced them in the pots with Petunias which seem to like having waited until now.

Last of all, I'm not sure if the Verbena bonariensis is in the right place. Maybe a move to the main border is due.

The Rudbeckia are going strong.

The new Verbena hastata  have been successful though over crowded and half will be moved in the Spring.

The Euphorbia below is growing out of the stones that edge the lawn at the near corner.

Finally, the Weigela is only supposed to flower in the Spring, but here we are in August.

Archie in his new favourite places.

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