Monday 3 August 2020

The Salesman

I had seen The Salesman when it was first shown on TV. Watching it again, I found it still to be a marvellous piece of work by writer and director Asghar Farahdi. I was not that impressed with his earlier Oscar winning film A Separation that garnered such good reviews, but loved last years Everybody Knows. This time The Salesman did deserve the Academy Award for best international film. The background to the story is the rehearsing and performing of Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman, the husband and wife who are the main characters in the movie are acting leading roles. But at the forefront is a traumatic event which severely tests their relationship. Sometimes the acting almost feels improvised, as the story becomes disquieting and  full of tension. There are obviously parallels with the play, more so towards the end. But it is a riveting watch.

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