Monday 29 June 2020

The Garden in June

At the beginning of June, the main border was at it's best. By now the blue Delphinium Pacific Giant and the Astrantias are over.

But the white Lychnis in the middle of the border above are now much better.

As are are both Penstemon Roma.

The roses are always at their best in June.

The hot bed at the far end of the garden is also good this year.

The bedding Dwarf Antirrhinums are struggling to fill the border.

But the bed around the conservatory has been more successful with using both Lobelia and Alyssum. 

The Acanthus has flowered well but the leaves have suffered from the blight.

One day I will move the purple Penstemon as it struggles in the wildflower border.

The lawn had become very dry and patchy with no rain in May. Fortunately some heavy showers recently has improved the grass immensely.

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