Tuesday 19 February 2019

Tring Book Club - The Bees by Laline Paull

I enjoyed the first third of this imaginative and well written story of Flora 717. I became totally involved in her early life in the hive, and her first exploits in the open air. The author gives us lots of information about the workings of the various hierarchy of the bees and their different roles in the hive. I liked how the author gave the different kin character, the male drones were quite funny.

I was mystified how  Flora 717 could produce an egg when she was not the Queen. At book club, Hilary  explained this unusual event.

The book also tries to work, less successfully in my opinion, as a thriller with Flora's adventures on the outside, and the threats on the inside. I just found the story flagged half way through and could not sustain the 300 plus pages. The last part was fine, but if only a stronger editor had cut the book to two thirds it's length, I might have been more impressed. 

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