Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Garden in May

This year has been one of the best for blossom and the vigorous growth of all the plants in the garden. The clematis has been spectacular.

Then there were the tulips.

I planted some wallflowers for the first time. They are actually pretty late getting going in the border I normally reserve for summer bedding.

I cannot remember the autumn colour crab having as much blossom in the twenty years since it was planted. There is a chaffinch in there somewhere.

The tellamina grandiflora was blown over in the wind so is now having to be staked. Geranium plum jerkum is at the front and the corulus contorta at the back.

The main border is about to come into flower, the aliums have just started and the forgetmenots are growing like a weed.

The weigela always puts on a good display and this year is no exception.

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