Thursday 9 February 2012

Memories of Visits to Nanan

Mum, Nanan and Harry Frost
On my posting of 4th February 2011, I wrote something about the visits that John  and I made in the summer holidays to Mum's mother Edith Leather, or as she was then Edith Frost. We never knew Mum's father Ralph Leather, and she never talked about him. Mum would take us to St Pancras Station and put us on the train to Rotherham in the care of the guard. We were probably around nine or ten years old at the time. We would have a packed lunch on the train, and books to read for the journey. Nanan would meet us at Rotherham station and take us on the bus to Wordsworth Drive.

I have many great memories of holidays there, apart from sharing the double bed with John, and the loud ticking of the clock while we were trying to get to sleep. This must have been Nanan's bed, so where she and Grandad Frost slept, I have no idea. The house at 58 Wordsworth Drive was already pretty crowded. Nanan's two sons (our uncles Donald and Geoff) and Grandad Frost's son Doug were working shifts at the big steelworks at Tinsley, although Donald must have got married at some point as it may only have been Geoff there later.

I can remember when we first stayed there, the toilet was outside in a shed. (well, it was a council house). The toilet paper was old newspaper torn into bits and hung on a nail. But later, the council installed an indoor toilet which must have been great for the family.

Nanan was extremely generous, given she was not that well off, and we had lots of treats. Always on the day after we arrived, she would take us on the bus to town where, in Woolworth's, we could choose something for the holiday. There was a big radiogram in the living room. The only records I can remember were LP's of Mario Lanza and Bill Hayley's Rock Around The Clock, and a few singles including Rock Island Line by Lonnie Donegan which we were allowed to play constantly: see posting 15th October 2009.

Across the road from her house was Herringthorpe Playing Fields. It was here we would spend a lot of our time playing football and cricket, often with other boys. One time the footballers from Rotherham United were in pre-season training, and we were able to get some autographs. At the far end of the fields was a cricket pavilion and changing rooms. Behind that there were pens where donkeys were kept. They were there during the summer to give rides to children in the parks. In the mornings, before breakfast, John and I would walk across with something to feed them.

Our occasional visits to the nearby fish and chip shop were very special, we had nothing like that at home. In the evening, a small bag of chips with salt and vinegar was a sheer delight. I have some vague memories of Clifton Park. Our visits to Nanan sometimes coincided with a week of events there. A motor cycle stunt team, some show jumping, and motor cycle grass track racing that would deafen our ears. There must have been others that I cannot remember.

I have also mentioned on previous postings visits to Nana's sister, Mum's Auntie Nellie, and the Ashes Test Match. What memories.

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