Wednesday 24 November 2010

131 Songs - Numbers 66, 67 and 68

These songs are taken from what are probably my three favourite soundtrack albums.

Number 66 - El Matador by Los Fabulosos Cadillacs

I had enjoyed the movie Grosse Pointe Blank so much (it is in my favourite top ten movies of all time) but I was still not prepared for the music over the closing credits. The first blast from El Matador pinned me to my seat. I had not heard the song before, never mind the hardly known Argentine rock band. And I had never experienced before or since such an heart pounding finale to a movie. Fabuloso.

Number 67 - Hotel California by The Gypsy Kings

This song actually makes it's second appearance on my list, The Eagles version is Number 29. Wiki says of the French assemble's version "this is an excellent example of fast flamenco guitar leads and rythmic strumming". I think it is just brilliant. In the movie it introduces us to Jesus Quintana, played by the wonderful John Turturro, at the bowling alley. A stunning sequence.

Number 67 - The Ballad of Lucy Jordan by Marianne Faithful

Another great soundtrack, but the standout song for me is the best recording ever made by Marianne Faithful. Written by Shel Silverstein, it not only fits the fatalistic theme of the movie so well, but it gives me goosebumps whenever I listen to the lyrics. It would have made my list even if it had not been in a movie.

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