Monday 26 January 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

I wasn't sure why a film set in India, part gameshow, part love story, had attracted such widespread acclaim. But when I went to see Slumdog Millioniare I found out why. Simply one of the most powerful and emotional films of the last decade. The story is of a boy growing up in the slums of Mumbai, and his relationship with his brother and a girl who shares their childhood and later, his dreams. It is this story that is so emotional, sad and funny in equal measure. The director, Danny Boyle, has created a dazzling action packed masterpiece, with the colours and sights of India as his palette.

The cinematography is a sight to behold, only surpassed by the fabulous soundtrack, possibly the best I have ever heard. I cannot wait to see the two nominated songs performed at the Oscars, and M.IA. joining A R Rahman (both of Tamil descent) on the podium for "O...Saya".
The director has crammed the film full of everything we westerners associate with India, almost too much. The odd references to Trainspotting are more subtle, remember the worst toilet in Scotland? That's nothing!

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