Thursday, 27 February 2025

February in the Garden


Halfway through February and no sign of the daffodils coming into flower. Unlike last year.

All because we have been in ten days of cold but mostly dray weather. With the temperatures  not to rise until Wednesday next week, that will be two weeks of a cold February.

Although there are signs in the garden of things about to change. The snowdrops are quite happy in the cold.

The primroses are in flower.

I thought the dianthus in the two large pots on the side patio were only annuals. But apparently not. Putting on some growth in front of the pruned roses.

However, there is nothing to report on the shrubs, not even a flower on the forsythia as there were last year.

At the end of the month, the first daffodil has come into flower.

As have some of the shrubs.

Then finally, on the last day of February, some of the daffodils have decided it's time to bloom.

Some crocuses I planted last year have also flowered at the front of the bedding border.

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