Tuesday 6 November 2012

Maggie and Archie

I have only just realised that this blog contains nothing about our cats So here they are.

Maggie, our tortoiseshell, has been with us for fifteen years. She was at least three years old when we chose her at the animal shelter. Or rather she chose us. Alison said she would never be able to choose, but would let the inmates decide. Maggie crawled up her leg ("take me") so that was that. She has always been "two hour Maggs" as she entered Wood Green animal shelter on Christmas Eve and we found her the first day they opened after the holiday. She is now an elderly cat, seems to be pretty deaf, but is as loving as the day she arrived.

Archie is our new (21 months) ginger tom. He is still settling in. He replaced Marty (who came with Maggie,) who died nearly two years ago. Archie (previously called Charlie) came from a retired couple in the village. He came from their son's family, now in the far north, who could not keep him. He has had a bit of a troubled past, but is now a delightful and entertaining addition to the family.

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