Friday 30 December 2022

Italy by Soap&Skin


Very occasionally the music from a film's end credits has me glued to my seat. I remember it happening at the end of 1997's Grosse Pointe Blank when "El Matador" by Los Fabulosos Cadillacs blasted from the cinema's speakers. Italy by Soap&Skin (the experimental music project of Austrian artist Anja Plaschg) is a more subtle track but awesome none the less.

Especially when Vicki Krieps dances while the end credits roll. 

And here is an extract from

If Corsage’s narrative closes on a liberatory act of suicide, the film doesn’t quite end there. As the end credits roll, we’re treated to an extended sequence, shot in slow motion, in which Elisabeth, now clad in a free-flowing robe and cape rather than her rib-crunching corsage, dances in exaltation as “Italy” by Soap&Skin plays on the soundtrack. Has she died? Transcended? It’s hard to say. In an oddly cheeky touch, Elisabeth grows a mustache by the time the scene fades out, suggesting that if the problems of men and women are ever to be resolved, it may require a wholesale demolition of our received gender norms.

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