Wednesday 28 June 2017

Holehird Gardens

It was on the Tuesday of our week in the Lake District that, after two tiring days walking, I grabbed the chance to go to the ten acre Lakeland Horticultural Society's Holehird Gardens. And what a spectacular day it was. Not only was the weather warm and sunny, but planting was at it's best and the views were quite something.

I started in the Walled Garden where borders not only follow the walls but there are five island beds full of fantastic plants.

I loved the fact there were so many Astrantias (my favourite flower), all far more prolific than mine.

The Lower Garden is great to explore as it falls downhill towards the valley below. Some of the half hidden features include the Gunnera Pool and Cascade, the Hydrangea Walk, the Woodland Walk and the Lower Terrace.

The views are breathtaking with Crinkle Crags and the Langdale Pikes in the distance.

Even Lake Windermere comes into view.

The Upper Garden follows the contours of the fellside uphill and here are many different borders including certain national collections.

I was lucky to see the gardens on such a perfect day, and having lunch tucked away at the far side of the water feature with views to the fells in the distance, well I couldn't ask for more.

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