Tuesday 27 September 2016

Tring Book Club - Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

An extraordinary book, if a little depressing. A number of interlocking stories held together by Olive herself, a retired schoolteacher. (In one she is only referred to as Rebecca's teacher). The construction of this book is quite original and works really well. Olive herself is not a nice person, bitter and self righteous, in denial about her relationship with her son Christopher. She must have some endearing qualities for her husband Henry has stuck by her all these years, I never quite worked out why.

Elizabeth Strout deserves her Pulitzer Prize. She can create a real sense of emotion in her writing. There are so many classic lines. "The natural rubber band around people's lives that curiosity stretched for a while". My favourite of the thirteen stories was "The Piano Player". As with most of the others, sad but at the same time uplifting.

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