Tuesday 31 December 2013

Songs from "Call The Midwife" Christmas Special 2013

Despite the numerous songs on the Christmas Album of "Call the Midwife", I only heard four on the 2013 Christmas Special. And the one at the end of the programme is not even on the CD.

However, here is the song list:

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" by Perry Como

"Mary's Boychild" by Harry Belafonte

"Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" by Brenda Lee

"All the things you are" by Frank Sinatra.

I hope I have got the singer right on this last song. With no help from the CD, or even the versions on Youtube or Spotify, I'm hoping someone might come up with the answer.


Unknown said...

I'm told that the version used was Vic Damone. I've downloaded it from iTunes anyway and it sounds like the correct version.

Thank you for your work on this btw. Some of the music from the show is absolutely beautiful but before my my time so I'd have no hope of tracking some of it down without this blog :)

Rockbird said...

Ha, sorry, logged in under my husband's account. He knows nothing about 50's music either... ;-)