Friday 13 April 2012

My First Running Injury

It was all because I disobeyed orders from my coach. On Good Friday, as Alison was running the Maidenhead 10 mile race, I took myself off for a run along my normal route by the canal from Halton. I had upped my distance to five and a half miles the previous week, so I thought a three mile plus at a faster pace would be OK. It wasn't. It did not seem like I was going that much faster, but I reached the half way point two minutes earlier than my previous fastest time. It was only on the way back that I started to feel the pain in my right calf, to the point where I just had to stop. Whether it was the speed, or having to stretch to avoid a dog that was wandering over the tow path, who knows. But a calf strain is what it certainly is. That was a week ago, and there has been little improvement. So running is on hold. Alison was not impressed that I had run too fast. I will have to listen next time. (But the faster pace did seem great at the time).

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