Tuesday 7 July 2009

The Winters Tale

Another in the plays of William Shakespeare I had never seen before. What made it more interesting was that I didn't even know the plot. And what a splendid production it was. Typical RSC, all action on the huge thrust stage of the Courtyard Theatre. Entrances and exits through the audience, lots of things going on while the actors speak. Greg Hicks was superb in the main of role of Leontes, King of Sicilia.

The first half was basically a tragedy, and is quite dark. The introduction to Act 2 is performed by a character called Time who takes the part of the Chorus. He spells out the passing of 16 years in 16 lines. The second half is a typical Shakespeare comedy, disguises and mistaken identities as normal. And what a contrast to the first act. It was brilliant., and with a happy ending. Some lines to remember: "Properity's the bond of love".........and "Inch thick, knee deep" meaning the evidence is solid and plentiful.

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