Wednesday 3 June 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Star Trek and Angels and Demons

Two prequels and a sequel. Some good action scenes and an interesting premise, Wolverine is let down by the villain. Liev Shreiber is pretty dumb as Hugh Jackman's brother, their conflict is central to the plot, but by far the worst part. Otherwise a good enough start to the blockbuster season.

If you want to see how a blockbuster should be done, look no further than Star Trek. JJ Abrams has produced something special, a critical and box office smash. Fast and exciting, the screen is filled with magical images. The introduction of the younger version of each of the crew we knew so well was superb. I did have a slight inward groan at the sight of a time travelling Mr Spock from the future, but that said, it was a pretty good device to introduce the young Scotty. Simon Pegg was brilliant in the role. Altogether great entertainment. I would not mind seeing it again soon.

Angels and Demons was a lot better than the critics had made out. A decent action thriller, I thought better than The DeVinci Code. Set primarily over five hours, it was like a religious 24. Tom Hanks is fine in reprising his role as Robert Langdon, and he is well supported from the rest of the cast. The filming of Rome is just wonderful, coupled with the interiors sets of the Vatican and other churches. These alone are worth the price of admission. I just was not keen on the twist at the end.

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