Wednesday 30 April 2008

The Orphanage, 27 Dresses and 21

A chilling ghost story, the Spanish language movie Orfanato delivers it's fair share of shocks. But these never overshadow a great drama. Belen Rueda is terrific in the central role and easily carries the film from start to it's unexpected but wonderful conclusion. One of the best films in the last year and a definite contender for a foreign language movie Oscar.

27 Dresses is a frothy romcom with a standout performance from Katherine Heigl. Beautifully lit and filmed, with some great locations, particularly the Boathouse in Central Park. Well written, I enjoyed it immensely.

There had been mixed reviews for 21, and it was pretty disappointing. A good premise was let down by too much poker. It may have been better if half an hour shorter. I found the acting very poor, even Kevin Spacey was mediocre. Instantly forgettable.

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