Tuesday 29 May 2007

Best Things about Retirement Part 3 - Reading at Night

The most reading I have done over the past ten years has been on the train. It started when I used to commute every day to my first contract with Shepherd Construction at Cavendish Square in the West End. The 50 minute journey every day from Stoke Mandeville to Marylebone was only tolerable with a good book. Recently, the long but not frequent trips to the Discovery Dock site in Docklands and Burlington Danes labs in Acton, meant I could get stuck in to my current novel.

However much I thought it would be nice to read last thing at night, I was always too tired during the week. But since retiring, I now look forward to switching off the TV after the late news, and reading until my brain tells me it didn't capture the page I was on. I always read fiction. Biographies etc I leave for the daytime, which reminds me, now that I have finished John Peel's, its time to start the latest from Terry Wogan.

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