Sunday 29 April 2007

The Hills Have Eyes 2, Sunshine and Blades of Glory

Sometimes its hard to pick the right film to go and see. The Hills Have Eyes is a typical modern American horror where gore takes precedence over content. The photography almost saved the day.

Sunshine was a "must see", being directed by Danny Boyle. Enjoyable sci fi, although the ending was very obscure. When I tried to make sense of it by looking for comments on the web, I found that I was not the only one confused.

I only went to see Blades of Glory because I thought that Shooter might be too uncomfortable to watch in the wake of the events at Virginia Tech. I can remember going to see Heat just after similar shootings and found that quite difficult, so I did not want to chance a repeat. I am just not keen on American comedies, and Blades of Glory did nothing to change my mind. There were some quite good visual jokes, which was fortunate as the verbal gags were almost non existent.

If there was one thing these films had in common, it was the restrictions of where they took place. Outside and inside some rocks, a spaceship and an ice rink. I'm looking forward to some better locations next.

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